
Verse by Verse is a Google AI tool that helps you write poetry

Some people have a way with words, and others simply don’t. It is what separates great writers from the rest of society, but a new artificial intelligence tool from Google might just make you a better poet. The tool in question is called Verse by Verse, and Google recently made it available at this URL.

Google explains it as, “an experimental AI-powered muse that helps you compose poetry inspired by classic American poets.”

To go through the AI processes rather simplistically, this tool makes use of two specific machine learning elements. The first generates prose thanks to its wealth of American poetry knowledge, and the a second which line of poetry would be most fitting for your creation.


The steps are fairly straightforward. You can select up to three different American poets from a group of 22 as inspiration, and then you start with a sentence as inspiration for the remaining stanzas. From their you choose the form, rhyme, scheme and syllable count.

Once done you should have something resembling a half decent poem.

Here’s what we came up with after picking a combination of Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman.

“Future Unknown

Hope and fear in technology
Always our visions, its rages,
We use the precious words with us,
They will not be nor make of us.

Inspired by Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman


You can then style and download the poem to keep.


If poetry isn’t your thing, Google also recently created a site that uses AI to serve up 16 000 covers of Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy.

[Image – Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash]


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