
Google wants to you to help crowdsource Zulu, Somali and Igbo translations for the web

Quick news in from Google – the search company wants to add more African languages to its 71 online translation services, but it needs a bit of help to do so. According to the Google Africa Google+ page (don’t try saying that when drunk), it’s looking for volunteers to test out the quality of its Zulu, Igbo, Hausa, Somali and Yoruba translations, which are currently live but in a beta state, so possibly not very good.

If you want to volunteer, you can simply click on one of the links below and you’ll be given a sample translation to judge. Once finalised, the project should bring much more of the open web to non-English speaking audiences – with languages already in its database it can do a pretty good job of turning, for example, a Dutch webpages into an English one or vice versa. Not perfect, but usually enough to get the gist.

Here’s those links in full:

google traslate(Hat tip – Engadget)



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