
Time magazine working on VR project for Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech

There are a lot of applications for virtual reality, but the most engaging to date have been experiential. Time magazine is hoping to leverage that engagement as the publication has announced that it is working on a VR experience trying to capture the iconic “I have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

The VR project is not solely focusing on the speech, but also the March on Washington in 1963 that surrounded it.

It will also form part of a larger exhibit that Time plans to debut in February 2020 for Black History month in the States, at the DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago. Featured in a behind-the-scenes video, the team making this project were able to create it using 3D rendering, AI, motion capture artists and a method of measuring distances uses photos called photogrammetry.

Just how accurate the experience will be as a result remains to be seen, and how well it can capture the moments from the I Have a Dream speech is unclear, but this isn’t the first time that historical events have provided inspiration of VR projects.

With South Africa having more than a few iconic moments and speeches in its own history, utilising VR to capture someone like Nelson Mandela for example would certainly be appealing.

There’s no word on that front at the moment, but when technology and art can merge, it’s always a beautiful thing.


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