
Size matters when choosing storage solutions for your business

Do you ever get the feeling that you are constantly playing catch-up when it comes to storage for your business?

The fact of the matter is that the global population is generating petabytes of data everyday and the World Economic Forum reports that by 2025, 463 exabytes of data will be created every day.

As a society our hunger for data is not slowing down and your business can leverage that data to inform decisions and product/solution development. But in order to leverage that data, it needs to be stored securely and reliably.

There is, however, a problem here. Considering the troves of data we generate everyday, you’re going to want to opt for as much capacity as possible but the more capacity you choose, the higher the price goes.

While it might be tempting to opt for a cheaper solution with fewer terabytes available, in the long run this may end up spending more than intended.

While cloud offers benefits as regards cost, not every business wants to, or needs to shift its operations to the cloud. There is still a case to be made for on-site storage solutions, especially for SMEs.

Here are three reasons you should consider more capacity, even if it costs a bit more.


As your business grows, you will need more storage. Having larger storage solutions means you are dipping into your capital expenditure less often and you can accurately plan for expansion.

Planning rather than reacting may also help during periods such as we’re currently experiencing, where semi-conductor shortages and supply-chain issues are sending the prices of tech sky-high.

Lower maintenance costs and downtime

While plugging in a new drive seems simple, when one has a mass storage solution, it’s less about plugging the drive in and more about configuring it so that it meets your needs.

This can take time and that time could result in your business being unable to operate at full capacity.

While larger storage won’t eliminate this altogether, it will result in downtime happening less often and allow you to pay for upgrades more effectively.

More storage means more performance headroom

Before we dive into this it’s important to understand that a PC is a system of interconnected parts that sometimes work off of each other to get a task done.

When it comes to storage you will experience performance degradation as a drive gets closer to full capacity.

The reasons for this are numerous, but the biggest reason for an overall system performance downgrade is usually because a drive is approaching full capacity. While your RAM handles most tasks, your memory often offloads overflow tasks to an HDD or SSD. If there is not sufficient capacity performance hits a roadblock and your PC has to wait.

It’s recommended that HDDs are left with 15 percent available capacity to avoid performance degradation while SSDs require as much as 25 percent of total capacity to be free in order to operate efficiently.

Seagate offers a range of high capacity HDDs and SSDs that are also incredibly reliable. To find out more about how you can improve your performance and capacity at the same time, shop Seagate’s range of products here.


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