
20 mil Nightmare Containment clears needed to unlock Solar 3.0 in Destiny 2

Bungie, Bungie, Bungie. We thought we had a talk about setting your community monstrous goals.

The latest mad plan from the Destiny 2 creator revolves around Season of the Haunted only, there’s no way to know about this goal unless you read the This Week at Bungie post published on Thursday evening.

Here’s the rub.

On Tuesday Bungie launched its rework of the Solar sub-class alongside Season of the Haunted. Much like Stasis and the recent Void rework, Solar now allows for customisation of your character’s abilities. This involves the use of Fragments and Aspects. There are however four Fragments which are currently locked off and to unlock them, players will have to dive into the new public event.

“Guardians can unlock additional Fragments for Solar 3.0 by completing a number of Nightmare Containments. Each Guardian that fights the good fight will count as a completion, so having a full fireteam that is focused on the objective will benefit groups greatly. Basically, double the progression for a team of six versus, say, a team of three. The goal is to hit 20-million completions as a community. When we hit that goal, those four Solar 3.0 Fragments will be unlocked and ready to pick up from Ikora,” writes Bungie.

To this we say, not again. Bungie has a habit of setting players a goal in an activity that not many players are interested in. While 20 million is a low number in the greater scheme, we’re already only matching with one or two other players in the new public event.

While there is a way to matchmake with other players, we are yet to have a full fireteam of six in this activity and we are not roping our clan into playing a public event.

What makes this feel even worse is that some veteran players already have these four fragments unlocked due to a bug. However, rather than disabling these, Bungie will allow these players to keep these Fragments unlocked.

There is also seemingly no way of knowing how close the community is to unlocking these Fragments.

We had assumed that the Fragments were locked until the first completion of the new Dungeon (which launches later today at 19:00) but alas, it looks like players will have to do the new public event until we hear more.

The problem with shrouding a season in secrecy the way Bungie has is that the stuff that really should be made known isn’t and that in turn ruins the surprise that secrets bring. Like the Fragment situation, confusion becomes the main thing players focus on.

Here’s hoping players are close to reaching the goal or expect Bungie to launch some sort of “double progression” for the weekend.


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