Early on Tuesday morning Twitter, now X, owner Elon Musk hosted a conversation with former US President Donald Trump. The conversation started late however, because according to Musk, X was targeted by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Strangely, the rest of X remained functional during this attack leading many to question if the DDoS claim held any water.
Build One South Africa, the party headed by former DA head, Mmusi Maimane, has launched a petition calling for the national sex offender registry to be made public. The BOSA leader says that currently access to the registry is too costly and time consuming for regular South Africans.
Layoffs executed by big tech firms hit Africa this week when 100 people employed by TikTok in Nigeria and South Africa were fired. More layoffs are expected later this year with reports suggesting that as many as 1 000 people could lose their jobs.