
Unleash the Red Dragon in upcoming Wargame sequel

The PC-only Wargame series of real-time strategy titles has a new sequel in the works. It’s called Red Dragon, and in addition to having the most sensible subtitle in the franchise’s history, it takes players to a brand-new battleground: Central Asia, at the start of a new fictional conflict that is set to rage in an alternate-history timeline that unfolds between 1975 and 1991.

There are a bunch of new units that take the game’s unit count beyond the 1,300 mark, including ones capable of amphibious movement and – for the first time – naval units, which promise to really open up the strategic options. The new game has a bit of everything, from a single-player campaign to five new factions to play as and against, including China and North Korea, as well as support for 20-player multiplayer matchups.

20 players and hundreds if not thousands of units per game sounds like my kind of chaos, as long as it doesn’t come at the cost of my rig’s performance. But 20-player multiplayer worked pretty well in Wargame: AirLand Battles, so confidence is high the experience in Red Dragon will be similarly as smooth.

The publisher, Focus Interactive, has released a teaser trailer for the game that shows off its gorgeous visuals and the cool-looking explosions that await players when the game comes out, which we’ve embedded below for your viewing pleasure. Wargame: Red Dragon is expected to ship in early 2014.


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