
Samsung President talks up forthcoming foldables

  • Ahead of Unpacked next week TM Roh waxed lyrical about Samsung’s philosophies regarding product development and design.
  • Among the pleasantries the president mentioned the next generation of foldables would be thinner than the last.
  • Roh also talked up the multitasking experience likening it to the experience of using a PC.

A week from today, Samsung will host an Unpacked event in Seoul, South Korea. The event will focus on the latest folding smartphones – the Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Flip series – and ahead of that president and head of Mobile Experience Business at Samsung Electronics, Dr. TM Roh penned a blog post.

The president waxes lyrically about how Samsung committed to the philosophy of “Inspired by Humans, Creating the Future” and how this has driven the designs and innovations at the company.

“We feel this even more keenly nearly 30 years on, as we contemplate the fluid nature of human interaction. Users value experiences over mere achievements and meaningful connections over raw technological prowess. We have distilled the Samsung design philosophy into three Design Identities, each one with you at the center: our products must be Essential, Innovative, and Harmonious,” writes Roh.

This continues for, a while and you can read the full text at the link above. We warn you, it’s awash with marketing speak.

Thankfully amongst the guff, Roh did tease a few aspects of the new Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Flip series.

“We’ve raised the standards for foldable smartphone ergonomics. A difference of millimeter in a device’s thickness may not sound like a big change, but every gram and millimeter in a foldable device requires an engineering breakthrough. It demands craftsmanship with passion. When done well, the benefit to users is huge. That’s why we’ve innovated to make our latest foldables slimmer and lighter than our previous generations,” writes the Samsung President.

In addition Roh talked up “enhanced multitasking experience like a PC” which has us curious about software upgrades coming to the foldable smartphones. Samsung has, to its credit, been improving the software experience and capabilities of these handsets throughout the Fold and Flip generations. How it will improve them in the latest iteration of the series remains to be seen.

Thankfully we won’t have to wait long to find out given that Unpacked is happening on 26th July. Of course we will be covering the event bringing all the news about the handsets, local availability and pricing.


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