
Can AI help you land your first job?

  • Google believes its Gemini AI model can help graduates get their first job.
  • The tech company says Gemini can help identify internship opportunities, clean up CVs before applying, and help prep for interviews.
  • Google has listed a handful of AI-enabled tips for local graduates to use for their first job hunt.

Getting your foot in the door for your first job can prove extremely difficult, even if you have the right qualifications.

As such, any advantage you can find will prove useful. For Google such an advantage lies in the company’s recently launched Gemini AI platform. While it, like others, has had a few significant blunders and hallucinations in recent months, Google is of the opinion that Gemini can be used in some savvy ways.

To that end it recently shared a release with Hypertext highlighting said tips and tricks on how best to leverage Gemini in looking for that first job.

While AI is no golden ticket when it comes to getting your first job, the use of Gemini in that process could indeed prove helpful.

Here Google notes that the AI platform can be leveraged to identify internships, something that is not always easy to find online, and often features a short lead time in terms of getting applications in before a deadline elapses.

Once an internship or learnership is identified, crafting a standout CV or resume is key, and this is another area where AI can step in, according to Google. “For example, a generative AI tool like Gemini can help you showcase your customer-service by re-wording it to focus on your problem-solving abilities,” it shared.

“Wondering how to highlight your leadership experience powerfully? AI can suggest strong action verbs that positively portray your talents. Before submitting your resume, ensure it’s error-free by asking, ‘Can you review my resume for grammatical errors and suggest ways to improve clarity?’,” it continued. 

Along with crafting a CV that grabs a potential employer’s attention, Google says AI can also be used for one of the more difficult aspects of getting your first job – the interview. This is one of the softer skills that people need, and Google notes that interviewees can prepare by getting a, “quick rundown of a company’s latest projects and overall mission by asking, ‘Summarise [Company Name]’s latest developments and approach to employee well-being’,” for example. 

“Not sure how to answer those tricky behavioural interview questions? It can guide you with practice questions like, ‘Give examples of common behavioural interview questions for a marketing position in South Africa.’ To impress your interviewers, have insightful questions ready: ‘Help me formulate questions to ask about the company’s future direction’,” it suggests.

On top of finding jobs to apply for, AI could be used to identify the types of skills that employers are in need of, according to Google. Added to this is leveraging the platforms to improve your presence on social media, with LinkedIn in particular being mentioned and using AI to craft a compelling profile that would get you noticed by headhunters and the like.

“To connect with like-minded professionals ask ‘What tips will you give for connecting with the vibrant Artificial Intelligence community at tech conferences?’. Even if you’re unsure how to approach networking, support can also be offered with queries like, ‘How can I make a good first impression when reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn?’,” it suggested.

While much has been made of the impact that AI will have on the future of work, for those who have recently graduated or need to re-enter the job market, there are some ways to make use of the pervasive technology.

[Image – CC 0 Pixabay]


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