
Western Cape advises caution on the roads as incidents climb

  • The Western Cape Government has urged motorists, pedestrians and cyclists to be cautious on the roads over the Winter season.
  • In the first week of June, 19 crashes were reported and last week five pedestrian fatalities were reported.
  • Shorter days, rain and wind make travelling rather treacherous over the Winter in the province.

Schools broke for school holidays on Monday and with the extended break, some families may be looking to take a cheeky mid-year holiday.

For those heading to the Western Cape, the local government has urged motorists, pedestrians and cyclists to exercise caution over the Winter period. As an example, the government reports that between 2nd and 9th June, 19 crashes were tallied on Western Cape roads.

“Tailgating, speeding and high beams are not only problematic in general, these driver behaviours present unique challenges in dark, wet and misty weather conditions on Western Cape roads. Winter driving can be unpredictable and demanding, requiring drivers to be extra vigilant and prepared for various challenges such as flooding and poor visibility,” says Muneera Allie, head of communication for the Western Cape Mobility Department.

There is also an alarming increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities. The City of Cape Town reports that five pedestrian deaths had been reported just last week.

“Equally devastating is the number of pedestrian fatalities on our highways. Not only is there a very low chance of survival for the pedestrian, but there is also secondary trauma and risk of injury to the other road users involved. I want to appeal to pedestrians to walk only where it is safe, and legal to do so. To motorists, please be incredibly alert to your surroundings at all times, and obey not only the speed limit, but all rules of the road. The City will also renew its engagements with the Western Cape Government and Sanral to install durable fencing or walls along the major highways,” said Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, Alderman JP Smith.

With that in mind, pedestrians and cyclists are advised to:

  • Wear bright-coloured and reflective clothing to improve visibility,
  • Avoid dark roads, particularly at night,
  • Put as much distance between yourself and the road as possible,
  • Use designated pedestrian crossing, pavements, cycle land and face oncoming traffic where possible.

The City also isn’t afraid to fine pedestrians for contravening laws. In the past week, 67 fines for jaywalking were issued.

Of course, motorists must take caution on the roads as well, particularly during the Winter rains. As the rainy season gets underway, motorists should:

  • Check your wiper blades to ensure the windscreen can be cleaned effectively,
  • Check your tyres to ensure they have adequate tread for better traction on the road,
  • Check that your headlights, brake lights, and indicators are functioning properly,
  • Check that defrosters and heating equipment is in good working order,
  • Increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you,
  • Turn on your headlights to see and be seen in dark weather conditions. Avoid using high beams as they reflect off wet and foggy conditions and can temporarily blind other drivers,
  • Slow down when it rains,
  • Avoid sudden braking as this may cause your car to skid,
  • Avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water if possible,
  • Be aware of other vehicles in the rear and blind spot areas, as it can be difficult to see through wet side windows and side mirrors.

It also goes without saying that motorists should obey all road signs and instructions from traffic officials and law enforcement as well.

Stay safe on the roads wherever you are.

[Image – PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay]


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