
Spot Money introduces digital gaming vouchers for more secure in-game purchases

Digital banking platform Spot Money has announced a new offering in the form of digital gaming vouchers.

This new solution is designed to offer a more secure alternative to having credit card details stored online, according to Spot Money, with the digital gaming vouchers facilitating in-game purchases for for most major consoles and publishers, including PlayStation, Xbox and EA.

“Spot’s digital gaming vouchers provide greater security and peace of mind, as you never have to enter or store your credit card details online to make a purchase. You can also manage your gaming spend more effectively by buying vouchers as needed, offering new-found control and safety for anxious parents,” explains a press release sent to Hypertext.

While the application of in-game purchases and microtransactions is an issue that has plagued the gaming industry for some time now, it is unfortunately something that we have had to become accustom to. As such, for parents wanting to curb any overspending, we can certainly see the advantages of having such a system in place.

“For gamers of all ages, gaming tokens are almost as essential as having data and keeping the power on. Being able to buy vouchers directly from the app isn’t just easy and convenient, but also offers the ability to keep an eye on your spend,” adds Andre Hugo, CEO at Spot Money.

Given how much it costs to play a game after the initial purchase these days, it will be interesting to see how many local players or parents of players, take up this new solution from Spot Money.

[Image – Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash]


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