
Nintendo joins PlayStation and Xbox in critique of Activision Blizzard’s actions

The bed Activision Blizzard has made for itself is getting more uncomfortable by the hour.

Yesterday the firm announced Workplace Responsibility Committee. This committee will see Bobby Kotick – yes the same Bobby Kotick that has been accused of hiding instances of harassment from the Activision Blizzard board of directors – will report to the board about progress made in “implementing its new policies, procedures, and commitments to improve workplace culture and eliminate all forms of harassment and discrimination at the Company”.

The heads of PlayStation and Xbox have already expressed dismay at the situation unfolding at Activision Blizzard and now Nintendo of America has joined the chorus.

An email sent out by Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser seen by FanByte has addressed the situation and Bowser had harsh words for the firm.

“Along with all of you, I’ve been following the latest developments with Activision Blizzard and the ongoing reports of sexual harassment and toxicity at the company,” wrote Bowser.

“I find these accounts distressing and disturbing. They run counter to my values as well as Nintendo’s beliefs, values and policies,” the president of Nintendo of America added.

While it’s good to see industry heavyweights speaking out, until action is taken against Activision Blizzard, these are just nice words.

PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo aren’t taking a stand and banning games from the publishers on their respective platforms as yet but given the atrocities that have taken place at the publisher, we think this is a misstep.

Quite frankly, lip service from the three major console makers is not enough and by continuing to sell Activision Blizzard products on their platform they are tacitly enforcing the status quo within the gaming industry.

There is a stink of rot within the entire game industry from Ubisoft to Riot Games and now Activision Blizzard. Change has to come but until heavyweights are willing to put morals and change over contracts and money, nothing will change.

Hell, if the ever plunging Activision Blizzard stock price isn’t enough to convince the board of directors to change course, we doubt Bowser, Ryan and Spencer’s words will have any influence at all.


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