
Despite not being out Shadow Warrior 3 already has a crossover

When we talk about crossover its usually for established games like Fortnite and Fall Guys, but now we have an announcement for a game that isn’t even out yet in the form of Shadow Warrior 3.

Delayed into 2022, Shadow Warrior 3 will crossover with a title that is already out in the form of fighting game / battle royale hybrid Naraka: Bladepoint.

“Friends that play together, slay together, so in the true spirit of friendship, fast-paced first-person adventure Shadow Warrior 3 and action-adventure battle royale NARAKA: BLADEPOINT have announced a friendly weapon-exchange crossover for early 2022,” reads an announcement.

A “friendly weapon-exchange crossover” sounds less like an event in gaming and more like something America would announce for one of the many wars it is involved in, but the premise here seems to be that weapons from each title will appear in the other.

Inside Shadow Warrior 3 a sword called “Raikou”, not to be confused with the Legendary Pokémon with the same name, will be available when it launches in early 2022.

According to this statement recapping an event called Naraka Fest, Raikou will just be a skin for the game’s katana instead of an entirely new weapon. Hopefully, if this is the case, the katana is imbued with some lighting effects when the skin is used.

Naraka: Bladepoint gets access to the Shuriken Splitter “gun” and Hoji Mask cosmetic. What these items will look like can be seen briefly at the end of the trailer at the bottom of this story.

Returning to Naraka Fest and Bladepoint showcased several other crossovers including one with Fall Guys and, wait for it, Bruce Lee. You can see a separate trailer of Bruce Lee and his famous nunchucks here.

Another day another crossover, but at least this time it’s a bit more interesting because one of the involved games isn’t even available yet.

This was probably organised months in advance before the game’s delay. but it’s funny to imagine that crossovers for games start being announced earlier and earlier, just like pre-orders are sometimes opened when new games have barely been revealed.


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