
Fall Guys price falls to zero, F2P coming in June

Party / obstacle course game show title Fall Guys is making the transition over to free to play (F2P) and will be ditching its price tag come 21st June.

This move to F2P will also be heralded by launching on platforms it has not been available on before. After 21st June Fall Guys will be available on all the relevant consoles from Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox, as well as PC.

Cross-play will also be supported as will cross-platform parties so you can play with your friends no matter what hardware they have. This is facilitated by an Epic Games Account as the Fortnite maker bought Fall Guys back in March 2021.

This does, however, come with the drawback that new players will not be able to get the game from Steam. Existing owners can still download the game and will get all the updates, but newcomers will need to go through the Epic Games Store on PC. This seems to be the same tactic Epic Games used with Rocket League.

As for those who parted with money before the F2P switchover a Legacy Pack will be given out as a thank you for supporting the game.

“This bounding box of delights will contain a nickname, nameplate, the Regal costume, the Veggie Dog costume, the Feisty Dwarf costume – and a Season Pass for [F2P] Season 1! To make sure you’re eligible for the Legacy Pack, make sure you’ve launched Fall Guys before June 21! If you’ve never launched Fall Guys, you will miss out on this feisty bundle!” the announcement reads.

You can see some of the items from the Legacy Pack in the header image above and in the trailer below.

So, the big question: how will the game make money when it’s free?

Well there’s a new in-game currency called Show-Bucks which we assume will be the ticket here. Show-Bucks can be used to “supercharge” the season pass which we assume means more rewards for playing.

To entice players to jump in on F2P Fall Guys, there are rewards for pre-registering. This can be done from this website and will unlock rewards for everyone registered at 500 000 milestones. The last milestone for this endeavour is at 2.5 million registrations but, at the time of publication, the first 500 000 reward has not even been unlocked.

We’ll have to wait and see what the future of Fall Guys looks like as a free experience under Epic Games. The aforementioned Rocket League seems to be doing okay at this point, but both it and Fall Guys aren’t the juggernauts in the public conscience that they used to be closer to their launches.


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