
LG launches new NFT marketplace for its TVs

There must be something in the water over in South Korea as it looks like interest in the NFT landscape shows no signs of slowing down in the region. This as LG has become the second manufacturer after Samsung to launch an NFT marketplace for its smart TVs.

Christened the LG Art Lab, this new marketplace is designed for artists and TV owners alike to purchase, sell and display digital works via their smart TV.

While we remain skeptics, there is indeed sustained interest in NFTs, but we have to wonder which consumers are baying for this kind of functionality in their smart TVs.

That said, we have seen in recent years that the likes of Samsung and LG have been introducing selected models that can double as digital art frames.

“Now available in the U.S. on the company’s TVs running webOS 5.0 or later, and accessible directly from the Home Screen, the new platform enables users to buy, sell and enjoy high-quality digital artwork. Delivering outstanding picture quality and offering several, large screen sizes to choose from, LG’s state-of-the-art TVs are the perfect medium for displaying one’s NFT collection,” LG announced in a press release.

“A convenient, one-stop solution for viewing and trading NFTs at home, the platform includes the LG Art Lab Drops feature, which profiles artists and previews new works coming soon to the platform. Meanwhile, the real-time Live Drops countdown ensures users never miss an opportunity to acquire a ‘just dropped’ NFT,” it added.

Limited in the US for now, likely for the company to experiment with such a platform, if successful Stateside it will be interesting to see whether LG will choose to roll out the offering to other parts of the world, like SA.

For now at least, it looks like NFTs are still very much designed for those with excess cash to burn, but without deep enough pockets to buy real-world artwork.


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