
Spotting Dobby the Elf in Hogwarts Legacy

  • Reviews for Hogwarts Legacy have been published today, including our own.
  • In the game there are several references to the original books and movies.
  • One of these include the sighting of an elf in the early stages, which looks a lot like Dobby.

Today marks the lifting of embargoes for reviews on Hogwarts Legacy, with the initially hotly anticipated, now divisive, title officially releasing on 10th February. Our own review of the game has also been published.

In it we note how impressive the attention to detail is in the game, with paintings moving and talking, suits of armour standing at attention when you walk past, and every brick of the castle placed with painstaking effort.

One of the other interesting elements are the Easter Eggs, and we believe you stumble across one fairly early on when you encounter an elf that looks a lot like Dobby.

We won’t be giving away any spoilers, but the scene where this takes place is in the bowels of the Hogwarts castle. As players make their way up a spiral staircase in one of the wings of the castle, you come to a steel gate, behind which is a house elf scrubbing the floor.

The elf is wearing a white sack, for lack of a better term, and resembles the house elf that Harry Potter and co. encounter in the Chamber of Secrets. Unfortunately, you cannot get close enough to the elf in order to talk to it, as it quickly apparates to some unknown location.

It is unclear at the time of writing whether this is the sole viewing of this elf you will have in the game, but the fact that it happens as part of the main storyline is a solid indication that the developers wanted you to see this nod to the books/movies.

There are a ton of Easter Eggs to find in the game, and we suspect this will be one of the aspects that players will spend a lot of time on in the endgame.


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