
Salesforce is finding the humanity in tech

The Salesforce World Tour Essentials Johannesburg 2023 has come and gone but you can catch up with all the exciting developments from the world’s top CRM company with our dedicated hub here.

In that hub we recently brought you a story that laid out the condensed history of Salesforce and how it not only revolutionised the CRM industry, but also several other industries by introducing concepts like trial periods for software, the subscription model and much more.

In that introduction Robin Fisher: Head of Mediterranean, Austria, Israel, CEE, Middle East and Africa region for Salesforce also mentioned the 1-1-1 Model and how Salesforce is making sure to also give back to the communities, countries and continents that it operates in.

“We are one of the world leaders in philanthropy. We have developed the 1-1-1 Model where we give one percent of our equity, one percent of our product and one percent of our time. That’s a lot of money from a multi-billion Dollar company, that’s a lot of product that anyone can use (such as non-profits) and a lot of time because we really push our employees to volunteer their time for good causes,” Fisher told attendees of the event.

Also explaining the 1:1:1 Model and why it is pushing Salesforce as one of the most innovative companies of the decade is Zuko Mdwaba: Salesforce Area VP / Africa Executive & South Africa Country Leader.

Mdwaba asks attendees of World Tour Essentials Johannesburg 2023 to go and check out the great work of Rise Against Hunger, which Salesforce has partnered with in South Africa.

“We have been working with them for quite some time since we opened the offices here. They have a station where people can contribute their time and today, just to give you an idea, they have a target to package food for twenty thousand people. Just think about this: one percent of your time – maybe ten minutes – can help feed 80 kids. That’s eight zero kids. For a year. These are the things we are passionate about, over and above the technologies that we’re known for,” Mdwaba says.

The technologies Mdwaba mentioned cover a huge swathe of the tech industry with AI being a particular focus for World Tour Essentials Johannesburg 2023. While the world has been abuzz with discussion over AI recently, Salesforce has actually been using it in some way for many years via its Einstein platform.

And on the week of this event the company announced even more AI Integration with Einstein being upgraded with the GPT Trust Layer to handle sensitive customer data with machine learning while still ensuring security and compliance.

While advances in technology mean that Salesforce can make your company more successful, it also means that there’s more on the table to share with others through the 1-1-1 Model. Fisher created a great picture for the use of AI in work, equating it to an executive assistant or even a data scientist in your pocket. The executive assistant can deal with the drudgery of work that usually wastes your time, and the data scientist can advise you on good decisions backed by, well, data.

With more time – and hopefully more resources – on your hands thanks to these AI advances, that’s more you can contribute to philanthropy.


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