
Free eLearning portal for creative entrepreneurs goes live

  • At the 5th SoCreative Summit this year the British Council announced the launch of the SoCreative eLearning programme.
  • The free courses cover how to build a creative business including how to brand and market it, how to protect and grow a business, and more.
  • Upon completion, students will receive a certificate that can be used to unlock other opportunities at the British Council

As the fifth SoCreative Summit concluded, the British Council announced the launch of a new initiative intent on sustainably growing the creative sector on the African continent.

The SoCreative eLearning programme is that initiative. Through this platform those looking to break into the creative sector will have access to programmes developed by academic practitioners from the UK and Africa.

“The challenges facing creative entrepreneurs have been revealed in previous summits and multiple conversations with our programme stakeholders, and so we have developed the platform in an attempt to address these shortfalls through fostering an ecosystem in which young entrepreneurs can thrive,” says Farai Bayai Ncube, regional arts director for Sub-Saharan Africa at the British Council.

The free courses can be completed at whatever pace the student finds comfortable. The courses cover how to build a creative business including how to brand and market it, how to protect and grow a business and more. This is especially valuable in the creative industry where best practices aren’t often common knowledge or well documented.

“While this may be the final summit in this format, we will continue to create platforms that enable young people to lead innovation, to become visionaries and to shape their futures. The impact of this investment and collaboration will inspire future global leaders, making a positive impact in Africa and the world in the years to come,” global arts director at British Council, Skinder Hundal said.

Completing all of the requirements of a course will reward students with a certificate. This certificate will allow students to apply for sustained support, mentoring, coaching, incubation and acceleration through the British Council in participating countries. Each lesson must be completed before the next can be started.

“This final summit’s theme, ‘Emergence’, embodies the complete dedication, creativity, and vision of our delegates and partners who have contributed to its success over the past five years. By this same token, the emergence of our SoCreative eLearning programme will serve in its legacy, and like the summit itself, is free to those who wish to gain knowledge,” Ncube adds.

You can find the SoCreative eLearning programme here.


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