
Google Search is being challenged by an unlikely competitor

  • While Google Search is still popular, data shows that Gen Z and Millennials are increasingly using TikTok to find information, reviews and recommendations.
  • The majority of searches on TikTok are for information, pushing squarely into Google’s territory.
  • Businesses will need to meet these generations on these platforms if they want to sell products and services.

Much of what we’ve seen regarding artificial intelligence and machine learning in the mainstream has revolved around making search engines better. Both Microsoft and Google have ploughed considerable resources into “upgrading” their search platforms and even OpenAI is working on a search play.

The trouble is that if you ask folks about their experience with search engines over the last year or so, they’ll tell you they’ve become worse. Google pre-empts any valuable information about your search with related advertising and Gemini responses add a lot of visual clutter. Speaking of clutter, have you tried to use Bing lately?

For many these features are too much and that appears to be especially true of the younger generation. For many youngsters, TikTok and Instagram are their primary ways of finding information.

“Almost 40% of young users now favor TikTok or Instagram for various searches, spanning from local dining options to fashion advice. This trend underscores a larger shift towards relying on social media platforms rather than Google as the primary means of discovery,” explains director of Search Logistics Matthew Woodward.

Make no mistake, Google is still dominating when it comes to search but TikTok is rapidly gaining favour among the younger generations. It makes sense because why read a Wiki about some obscure event in history when you can watch somebody tell you the story in a few minutes instead?

Indeed, data shared by Search Logistics suggests that 73 percent of searches on TikTok are for information while 21 percent are for commercial interests.

The problem with TikTok becoming the destination for search is that businesses which rely on the eyes Google Search brings it, now need to adapt. Discoverability on TikTok relies heavily on having a presence on TikTok which means making content and that’s not something many folks have time to do.

The other way to get noticed on TikTok is by being mentioned or collaborating with creators. This has its own pitfalls as the influencer market is unregulated and very much wild.

However, the benefits of TikTok may outweigh the negatives.

“TikTok search offers unique advantages and limitations compared to Google search, particularly for businesses looking to leverage these platforms for marketing purposes. TikTok’s audience demographics skew younger, making it an ideal platform for brands targeting Gen Z and Millennial consumers,” says Woodward.

What is advised is to leverage your business’ presence on social media and search engines. This means investing in TikTok just as you would in AdWords and other SEO solutions. This investment can be as simple as advertising or more involved, depending on the market your business hopes to reach and other factors.

Social media, for all its failings, remains one of the best ways to engage with customers and it seems that TikTok is now becoming the best way for customers to find your business in the first place.

If Donghua Jinlong can do it, so can you.


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