
SPEEDRUN – Hypertext launches its first AI in Business Survey

Artificial intelligence, ever heard of it? We know that AI is the only thing that anyone can talk about at the moment, but instead of new LLMs, genAI platforms, or regulations around training data, Hypertext wants to place the conversation around AI within a South African context.

It is why yesterday we launched, hopefully the first of many, the AI in Business survey. To entice looking workers grappling with the impact of AI, we’re also offering a R2 000 Takealot voucher to one of the respondents. The survey closes on 14th June, but you’ll find more details on how to take part in the post embedded below.

Along with launching our first survey, yesterday was a watershed Wednesday for another reason, as President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the divisive NHI Bill into law. We detail concerns regarding corruption, as well as what local insurers think of it in our SPEEDRUN roundup this morning.

Joining the roundup is X’s (formerly Twitter) absurd policy over the term cisgender, the use of innovative tracking tech in the Eastern Cape, and the trends in local bank fraud.

[Image – CC 0 Pixabay]


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