
Western Cape Grade 1 and 8 placement offers being sent out this week

  • The Western Cape Education Department reminds parents to be on the look out for offers from schools starting this week.
  • Parents will have until 14th June to accept offers to place their child in Grade 1 or 8.
  • Be sure to check that your contact details on file with WCED are correct and that you can access the online application portal.

Parents who applied for a spot in Grade 1 and Grade 8 at Western Cape schools should know the results of their application this Thursday, 30th May.

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) says that parents who applied should make sure their contact details are correct and that they are able to access the online admissions portal here.

Parents will have until 14th June to accept or decline an offer.

“If a parent has not confirmed their choice by 14 June 2024, the system will automatically confirm their top-ranked choice of school that has made an offer. All other offers will then be removed, so that those places can be offered to other learners,” the department said in a statement.

Should a parent not receive an offer on 30th May, the department encourages them to remain hopeful as once other parents accept offers, other spots will free up as mentioned above.

“We will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to place every learner whose parents applied on time as quickly as possible,” the Western Cape Education Department said in a statement.

From 14th June to 31st July, the department will be filling spaces according to the offers accepted by parents. From 15th June through to the end of the year, WCED will work to place students who aren’t initially placed.

Parents who don’t respond by 14th June will see their child placed into the top-ranked school which made an offer.

Earlier this month WCED reported that it had received as many as 114 144 applications for placement in Grades 1 and 8 for 2025. The department also says that “The window for Grade R applications and transfer requests for Grades 2 – 7 and 9 – 12 will run from 1 to 16 August 2024.”

While much of the attention is currently on the elections, if you’re a parent in the Western Cape who applied for placement, keep an eye on your notifications this week


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