
Climate Neutral Group gets a name change

  • Climate Neutral Group has announced it will be adopting the name and branding of Anthesis which it merged with in 2022.
  • The change comes into effect on 1st July.
  • CNG South Africa says nothing aside from its name and branding are changing.

Climate change has forced humanity to take a hard look at its activities and how they impact our environment. As a result, many companies have been created that assist in offsetting carbon emissions.

One such company is the Climate Neutral Group which has a subsidiary – Climate Neutral Group South Africa – locally. The first local office for CNG was opened in 2018 in Cape Town with a second location opened in Durban in 2021.

A year later, CNG merged with Anthesis Group which aims to advance climate protection and mitigate damage caused by carbon emissions. Rather than focusing on offsetting emissions, Anthesis aims to focus on sustainability across an entire business.

“The era of sustainable avoidance is over. Enlightened leaders know that sustainable compliance isn’t optional, and that sustainable performance is within reach. But this journey of transformation is difficult to navigate, with too many investments delivering too little value. Anthesis was born from this frustration. We guide clients towards sustainable performance through an end-to-end journey that is impact-led and solution oriented,” the firm’s website reads.

CNG South Africa says that aside from rebranding to Anthesis South Africa, not much else will be changing and clients can expect the same level of expertise, commitment and service they are used to. The company’s CIPC number, VAT number, bank accounts, contracts and agreements will all remain the same.

“As Anthesis we guide businesses to transform to sustainable performance.We offer a broad palette of solutions, for instance for your journey to NetZero, for impactful reporting and for a sustainable value chain. Our customised and practical approach is designed to benefit any organisation, at any stage of their sustainability efforts,” CNG SA said in an email.

“We appreciate your ongoing support and collaboration. If you’d like more information, please respond, and we will reach out to you shortly. We are excited to continue our shared path towards a more sustainable future,” the company told its clients.

The name change comes into effect on 1st July so if you deal with CNG SA, take note of the coming change.

[Image – Markus Kammermann from Pixabay]


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