
Teaser trailer for Arcane: Season 2 also confirms it will be the last

  • Netflix has released a teaser trailer for the much anticipated second season of Arcane.
  • The trailer also confirms that Arcane: Season 2 will also be the last for the animated series.
  • It is expected to land on the streaming platform in November, but no precise date for the month has been shared at this stage.

Netflix has been a little hit or miss when it comes to its original content, but animated projects have normally been quite impressive on the streaming platform.

One recent offering that has done particularly well is Arcane, which is inspired by the League of Legends gaming universe, although you don’t need to be a fan of the franchise to have enjoyed the first season of the series when it landed in late 2021.

Now Arcane: Season 2 is set to be released later this year, and Netflix has debuted a teaser trailer for the hotly anticipated sequel.

While the trailer, embedded below, looks promising as it will see the two protagonist sisters – Vi and Jinx squaring off – the release of Arcane: Season 2 is a little bittersweet as it will also be the final season. It therefore looks like the studio behind the series, Fortiche, will be focusing on other projects once season two wraps up.

Hopefully though Arcane: Season 2 can tie up all the story lines it needs to, especially as the first season did an exceptional job in terms of both world building and story telling. It also happened to have an infectious opening song from Imagine Dragons to accompany it.

It will be interesting to see if the same magic can be recaptured when the series arrives on Netflix in November this year.

No more precise date has been mentioned at this stage, nor how the platform plans to release episodes. While release en masse for bingewatching has been the go-to in the past, more recent popular original content has been released weekly or in small batches as was the case with Stranger Things and Bridgerton.


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