
Transport tender bidders become target of latest scam

  • The Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport has noted that a new scam is doing the rounds.
  • Tender bidders are reportedly being contacted via email to set up a special meeting but the meeting isn’t actually with the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport.
  • The department has asked those who receive such emails to report them as soon as possible.

Scammers are constantly on the hunt for new targets and this time around, those looking to provide services to government entities are in the sights of scammers.

This according to the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport which on Thursday warned companies who had submitted tender bids of a new scam doing the rounds. The department warns that bidders are targeted via email and are instructed to call a number to set up a meeting regarding their submission.

The department doesn’t elaborate about what happens during this meeting but it’s not likely to be anything good.

“The tender process is transparent: once a bid is closed, there will be no further correspondence with bidders unless clarification is needed, which will be provided in the form of a written letter on official letterhead,” the department said in a statement.

“Additionally, any response will be delivered in writing, not through meetings in person at random venues. Successful bidders will receive a formal letter before any official meetings are arranged to discuss awarded work,” the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport added.

Anyone who receives an email requesting a meeting is asked to contact the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport’s Risk Office by sending an email to duduzle.malebo[at]gauteng[dot]gov[dot]za.

Government entities – and their clients – are being targeted by cybercriminals and scammers with increased frequency. Earlier this year, the Gauteng Department of Health had to issue a warning about scams targeting tender bidders. In that scam, bidders were sent WhatsApp messages urging them to get in touch about an opportunity.

Cybercriminals are targeting the public sector more frequently according to a Trend Micro report. By compromising a government office, cybercriminals can potentially launch more attacks against more people while pretending to be government officials.

We recommend that any tender bidders who receive an email, confirm that email was sent by contacting the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport. Unfortunately one can’t take anything at face value anymore.

[Image – Steward Masweneng from Pixabay]


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