
Where you can watch the first sitting of Parliament today

  • The first sitting of the 7th Parliament of South Africa will take place today 14th June 2024.
  • It will see the election of the President of South Africa, as well as the Speaker of Parliament.
  • South Africans can tune into the live stream of the sitting at 10:00 on the official YouTube channel of Parliament.

After an anxiety-packed few weeks, the first sitting of the 7th administration, the Parliament of South Africa, has been confirmed to take place today 14th June 2024. It is set to be a historic occasion, as the ruling African National Congress (ANC) lost its parliamentary majority and must partner with political rivals to form government.

The proceedings are set to be quite eventful themselves as the first sitting will see the appointment of the speaker of the house, the deputy speaker and the president of South Africa following a secret vote of the members of parliament.

There is also a possibility that the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party may either disrupt the proceedings in some way or simply not pitch to parliament as the party has publically denounced the 1st sitting as “unconstitutional” following allegations the party has made of vote rigging and election fraud.

The MK has yet to provide any evidence of these allegations to South Africa’s electoral commission.

But according to the country’s Secretary of Parliament, Xolile George in a statement, all preparations are in place for the first official sitting.

“Over the past months, the administration of Parliament has undertaken extensive preparatory work to ensure a seamless transition from the sixth term to the seventh term of Parliament. This has been a pivotal moment for us as a nation, involving a delicate constitutional process that has not been without its challenges,” George explained.

“Every aspect of these inaugural sessions, from logistical arrangements to security measures, have been meticulously planned and implemented,” he added.

There is no official time set for the beginning of the first sitting of Parliament today, but it is confirmed to be happening. South Africans can watch the sitting right now on the official YouTube channel of the Parliament of South Africa.

According to the channel, it is set to begin at 10:00.


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