
SPEEDRUN – Identifying misinformation before the elections

By this time next week, South Africans would have headed to the voting polls in what has been described as one of the most important national elections since 1994. While the outcome remains an unknown at this stage, the growing influence of misinformation online is a concern.

Misinformation may be easier for some to spot than others, which is why Electoral Commission (IEC) has launched a handful of helpful tools for citizens, as well as partnered with local organisations to fact check much of the chaotic elections discourse.

“The official IEC-launched fake news and disinformation busting platform is, and you can even find it as a mobile app. This platform goes through articles from major publishers and viral posts on social media and calls them into question,” wrote our own Luis Monzon this week.

Along with trying to spot elections misinformation, other notable news curated in this morning’s SPEEDRUN roundup include more Copilot+ laptops from Windows 11 OEMs, the impending arrival of a mid-range TECNO phone, and an alternative option for frustrated NSFAS students.

[Image – Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash]


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