
South Africans put a heartwarming twist on the #NekNomination craze

The #NekNomination craze is a social media game that started in Australia. Basically, anyone who is NekNominated is dared to drink a whole bottle, glass or can of liquor in one go while having it filmed. Because social media is so prevalent the world over, it has spread like wildfire across the globe with some mostly funny results, but also a few serious and even fatal outcomes.

Things really started getting out of hand when two teens died while taking part in a #NekNomination in Ireland. But one South African, Brent Lindeque, decided to add a local twist to the #NekNomination craze by challenging people to do a random act of kindness instead of poisoning their livers with alcohol.

It all started when Lindeque posted the video  below on YouTube of himself driving through Johannesburg and stopping at a robot to give a beggar a sandwich, a chocolate and a 500ml Coke. Thereafter, he challenged two of his friends, Darren Simpson and Tristen Banner, to do the same within 24 hours.

“I’ve decided to create something positive out of the random global phenomena of NekNominations. Downing a can of Castle Light is easy… imagine if we all harnessed the power of social media to make a real difference in people’s lives. #OnlyGoodThings,” Lindeque wrote at the bottom of his video which has already gotten 300 823 views so far.

The South African version of the #NekNomination game has spread so far that even international media outlets have picked up on it, with Lindeque’s story being featured on The Telegraph and Right This Minute.

Are you taking part in the South African #Neknomination? If so, tweet your videos and cc us @htxtafrica.

Watch these videos of other South Africans taking part in the #NekNomination craze. There are many other #NekNomination videos up on YouTube; just search for them using the hashtag.

15-year-old Maxine Ross’ NekNomination video

Even Nandos has been nominated for a #NekNomination and it has 1 week to do it.

Andrew Ross’ NekNomination video

Andrew Donkin



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