As English regions in Cameroon enter a month without internet, the special UN rapporteur on freedom of expression has called on the government to immediately restore access.
Cameroon cut off access to the internet in Bamende and Yaounde on 18th January in a bid to quell protests held by teachers and lawyers in the regions.
“I am particularly concerned at the tightening of the space for free speech at a time where its promotion and protection should be of the utmost importance,” UN rapporteur, David Kaye said.
Citizens have been calling on the government to #BringBackOurInternet as businesses and schools have suffered as a result.
“A network shutdown of this scale violates international law – it not only suppresses public debate, but also deprives Cameroonians of access to essential services and basic resources,” Kaye added.
In 2016, the Human Rights Council passed a resolution which unequivocally condemned measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online in violation of international human rights law, and called on all States to refrain from and cease such measures.
The UN Special Rapporteur will continue to monitor developments in Cameroon closely, and is at the disposal of the authorities to provide assistance or advice as required.
[Image – CC Ranks]