Rubik's Cube Arduino Lamp

Try and solve the Rubik’s Cube that’s also an Arduino LED lamp

We’ve seen hundreds of Arduino and Raspberry Pi machines that can solve a Rubik’s Cube, and we’ve seen an equal amount of interesting lighting projects, but never the two put together.

Natthakit Kangsadansenanon, an artist from Thailand, created this unique project he calls the “Cubik Lamp”.

The inspiration for the build comes from a desire for study break that doesn’t involve taking out your phone and being so distracted that you never get back to your studies.

It’s made up of two parts – the lamp itself with is a large cube with 54 sections, and a controller of sorts.

After switching from the static lighting mode the lamp can then be “played” using the controller which is made up of ten dials. Each dials turn a section of the lamp

Hidden inside there are two Arduino Megas, two SparkFun XBee Shields and RGB LEDs.

A quick overview of the project, as well as the code, can be found over on

Unfortunately that page is quite sparse and you’re not going to be able to perfectly replicate your own Cubik Lamp without filling in a lot of the details with guesswork.

The only other piece of information we have attached to the page is the short demo video below.


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