
Share your wallpaper on Imgur, earn a digital trophy

Image sharing site Imgur has encouraged its users to share what they use as a wallpaper with the promise of a digital trophy.

Between today – 6th June – and 8th June users can submit an image or a gallery of images under the “wallpaper” tag to be included in proceedings.

Submissions should then appear in the main gallery here for the rest of the community to see.

At the time of publication there are apparently 31 439 submissions under the wallpaper tag but it seems that many of them are from the past before this programme kicked off and just so happened to use the same tag.

Regardless there’s a lot of great stuff here from original art, photography, traditional drawings and more.

If you’re the type of person who frequently changes their computer or phone backgrounds it’s worth clicking around to find something new.

As for the trophy we’re not sure what it looks like just yet. Trophies are seen in the “trophy case” section of a user profile and serve no real purpose other than to look nice.

The trophy should appear for participants after the event concludes.

Unlike a previous Imgur event we covered, the 2022 Art Crawl, this isn’t a contest and there is no prizes for participating aside from the trophy.

Some of the popular recent submissions to the wallpaper tag.

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