
FromSoftware gives us some quick Elden Ring tips

After years of waiting we’re one week away from the launch of the new FromSoftware game Elden Ring and the famous game developer has some tips to share to help players out.

Published recently there are only four tips to go off of which you can read below:

  • “Jump while on horseback near a Spiritspring to ride its current high into the air. You won’t take damage from jumping into a Spiritspring while on horseback, even from a great height.
  • Skills are special abilities that armaments have. There is a wide variety of skills that armaments can have, from powerful attacks to unique temporary effects. Using skills consumes FP.
  • Use your map to check your current position and the terrain and buildings in the surrounding area. You can update your map with new information by finding map fragments at steles along the road. You can also use the map to freely place beacons of light to serve as landmarks as you explore.
  • You can memorize sorceries and incantations at sites of grace. You must have a staff equipped to cast sorceries, or a sacred seal equipped to cast incantations. Casting sorceries and incantations consumes FP.”

The player’s horse – or “Spirit Steed” – is named Torrent and it has been advertised heavily for Elden Ring as a way to quickly get around the larger open spaces of this game compared to other titles from FromSoftware.

Not only can Torrent double jump, but now we have this amazing picture of it riding the rising air of a spring to jump even higher.

The FP mentioned in the tips above are Focus Points and seem to be this game’s version of good old mana.

In the comments to these tips it seems players, at least on Steam, are just spamming the word “hype” and an emoji of praise the sun.

Elden Ring launches on 25th February for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.


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