
Stop searching for the Street Fighter 6 teaser music

Update on 13th June 2022: The music has finally been revealed and is called “Not On The Sidelines” which will be the main theme for Street Fighter 6. Read more about it here.

Our original story from 22nd February 2022 follows on below.

Street Fighter 6 has finally been announced and, while most people are talking about the new and more realistic art style, we’re interested in the music.

We’re given a snippet of a song that we can’t place and, like many people, we wanted to know what it is.

Shazam offers no help and the official Capcom channels have no information about it either. Usually if a song is included in a trailer it’s at least mentioned in the YouTube description or elsewhere.

After more searching we threw in the towel and shot off an enquiry to Capcom for more information, but it may not be what people want to hear if they’re not patient.

“We’ll have more information in Summer 2022,” is the official response we got from a Capcom spokesperson.

When Street Fighter 6 was announced more details were promised for Summer 2022, and that extends to what exactly this music is.

For those of us outside of the US, living in countries that use dates instead of seasons to mark releases, the American Summer is between late June and late September, so it’s going to be quite a wait before we return to Street Fighter 6 and its music.

It’s a bit of an unsatisfactory end to this story, but it’s better that this information is out there instead of people endlessly searching only to find nothing.

The only real way we’ll hear more of the music before then is if some artist slips up and reveals their involvement in the project, or some sleuths manage to find it before then. We’re sure Capcom won’t be happy with either, but it’s the only way anything is happening before June.


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