
Spider-Man on PC updated for better autosaving

  • Patch v1.919.0.0 for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered is now available. 
  • Autosave backups are the first feature mentioned in the patch notes. 
  • Several issues remain which are being addressed.

The PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered has been updated to v1.919.0.0 with several fixes to the game and arguable the most important is to autosave backups.

This system will implement itself at one point in the game but the patch notes – which you can read in full below – don’t make specific mention of when exactly that will happen.

We have to assume that this is for spoiler reasons in case someone who hasn’t played the game yet is reading these notes. This is fair as a newer player may be checking for updates to address any problems they may have.

  • Implemented autosave backups. At key points in the story, the game will create a backup of the autosave slot.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some players from opening the gadget wheel during the tutorial in the beginning of the game.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash for some players when using a wide field of view.
  • Fixed sensitivity issues with analog sticks when inspecting items or solving puzzles in the game at high frame rates.
  • Improved visual quality of fabric textures in cut scenes when using resolutions of 1080p or lower.
  • Fixed a frame rate related issue in the Streets of Poison mission that could cause players to die instantly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some players to spawn out of bounds at the start of the Getting Deep mission in the Silver Lining DLC.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some players to spawn out of bounds when entering the Hammerhead base in Harlem in the Turf Wars DLC.
  • Various minor visual ray-tracing fixes.

Reception to this patch on places like Reddit and the Steam Community forum are generally positive, but many commenters are asking for improvements to performance.

On that note the devs do provide a note about ongoing issues that are being investigated. Game achievements are not unlocking for some players and notebook users with Nvidia GPUs are reporting degraded performance, but another issue seems more important that these two.

“Some players are mentioning performance degradation after playing for a long amount of time. So far, we have not been able to reproduce this issue, but our investigations are ongoing, and we are analyzing data from players experiencing these issues to get a better understanding of the potential underlying problem,” the update reads.

It’s asked that anyone experiencing any of these issues, especially the reduced performance over time, to report these issues. No link is provided to do so but we’d recommend checking out the relatively new website for PlayStation games on PC. When we covered the launch of this site in August we didn’t mention the links to support pages on the top and bottom of the site, so let’s fix that by adding it in here.

Finally there is a “known issues” segment of the patch notes. Here it states that users with and AMD GPU may have graphical problems with shadows and sunlight, but AMD itself is looking into this.

Hopefully the updates for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered can keep coming until all these issues are sorted out.


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