
Accenture – Generative AI in urgent need of responsible regulation

  • Accenture’s De Wet Bisschoff recently shared his thoughts on generative AI, and why its proliferation calls for more urgency around responsible regulation.
  • While these platforms hold a myriad applications and possibilities, they also need to mandate transparency and explainability, in Bisschoff’s opinion.
  • The desire to empower citizens with access to generative AI should not supersede ethical considerations.

Much has been made of generative AI platforms this year, as nearly every company and industry has become obsessed with these advanced language models and what they could empower. While there is indeed plenty to get excited about, according to De Wet Bisschoff, director of Operations and Sales at Accenture in Africa, this should not come at the cost of responsible regulation.

The Accenture executive recently wrote an opinion piece on the subject, looking at the possibilities that generative AI holds across a number of sectors, but countered this by highlighting the importance of transparency in terms of how said platforms operate and utilise their data.

Bisschoff rattled off a few areas where generative AI can have some benefits including, automation and efficiency; enhanced decision-making; personalised experiences; improved customer service; healthcare advancements.

“As AI technologies continue to advance, the potential benefits are undeniable. AI’s capabilities have the potential to transform the way we live, work, and interact with technology,” he acknowledged in a release sent to Hypertext.

“While we can name many more AI benefits, navigating the ethical considerations and challenges associated with its development and deployment is crucial. Responsible and ethical AI practices and appropriate regulations are essential to harness their full potential while ensuring the well-being and rights of individuals and society,” he added crucially.

Looking closer at the areas of consideration when it comes to the responsible regulation of generative AI, Bisschoff makes note of the ubiquity of content creation that these platforms offer and the potential for misuse that it presents.

“Regulations can help prevent the misuse of generative AI by establishing guidelines for the responsible application of this technology. Generative AI algorithms are often opaque and lack transparency in their decision-making process, raising concerns about accountability, fairness, and potential biases embedded within the generated content,” he highlighted.

“Responsible regulations should mandate transparency and explainability, ensuring that users and stakeholders can access information about how generative AI systems operate. Generative AI raises significant concerns regarding intellectual property rights and copyright infringement. Responsible regulation can clarify copyright issues and define the boundaries for using generative AI to avoid infringement and respect intellectual property rights,” he continued.

Outside of the potential legalities that come with generative AI, Bisschoff also made mention of the ethical elements involved.

“The social impact of generative AI must be carefully considered, as uncontrolled dissemination of generated content can lead to reputational damage, privacy violations, and trust in media and information sources,” he stressed.

While the proliferation of generative AI shows no signs of slowing, as we have seen in the US, regulators and governments need to create frameworks to ensure the misuse of said platforms do not lead to real world harm.

[Image – Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash]


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