
Conquer 2024 with HP notebooks

While a new year is right around the corner, the same old problems for work will still be around. The need to work as quickly as possible, as safely as possible, and as flexibly as possible will still be there even after the new year countdown reaches zero. If you have been struggling to get work done like this in 2023, it may be time to switch to HP.

HP has you covered for every PC configuration, price point, and use case thanks to its family of notebooks in the HP 600 and HP 800 Series of EliteBook devices.

To work as quickly as possible, HP gives you the choice of powerful Intel or AMD CPUs. Combine this with RAM, storage and screen size options to optimise your hardware budget and you will get the most bang for your buck. Slow PCs are almost as irritating as a slow internet connection, and it can be a massive challenge for employees to fight when deadlines are around the corner when slow speed is a factor.

While faster PCs may be seen as a luxury in some workforces, it is imperative in others such as design, engineering, entertainment and more. The great thing about HP’s diverse offerings in the 600 and 800 series line is that there are notebooks that range all the way from basic office work all the way up to serious mobile workstations for those who need the horsepower.

Safety is another huge concern for more hardware entering a workforce, especially as working from home and a hybrid approach makes company security all the more difficult. HP notebooks are designed with enterprise-level security and management. HP Wolf Security, for example, is a massive bulwark against cybercriminals that you don’t want to be without. With South Africa’s burgeoning tech industry becoming more of a target for these criminals, it is best to be as safe as possible.

The work from home and hybrid environment also necessitates flexibility and – combined with the constant threat of loadshedding – this makes notebooks the superior choice for working in South Africa. While HP has focused on great internals for its notebooks, it has not forgotten about the externals. These notebooks are designed to be sleek and attractive while not giving up strength or quality construction, This results in notebooks which look good, weigh less (some in the 600 Series being less than a kilogram) and make the most use of their battery charge to give you more hours of uninterrupted use.

HP 600 and 800 Series notebooks are compatible with Windows 11, Microsoft’s latest and greatest operating system. As big software vendors move away from Windows 10, Windows 11 will become the de facto way to do business, and there is no better time to make the switch.

For the IT admins and managers, switching over to the new operating systems can be a pain, especially for large work forces with even larger amounts of computers which need to be brought over. It will be worth the effort, however, especially as the most up to date Windows security will be on 11 as the years go by. While security updates for Windows 10 will likely not end any time soon, it’s better to be safe than sorry on the older software.

Why not start the new year with new HP notebooks, loaded up with a new Microsoft operating system?

To get started, head on over to leading South African IT provider Datacentrix.


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