
See more of Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor in Marvel’s Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers isn’t dead quite yet with the game receiving yet another free character in the form of Jane Foster as the Mighty Thor.

This is, of course, a tie in with the upcoming movie Thor: Love and Thunder which sees Natalie Portman return to the MCU as Foster / Mighty Thor, now wielding a repaired Mjolnir.

Love and Thunder launches in theatres on 8th July (7th July for early screenings) and Mighty Thor releases in Marvel’s Avengers from today.

The base game already has vanilla Thor so a new trailer and announcement reveals more about this character and how she differs.

The trailer, which you can watch in the embed below, emphasis how Foster uses Mjolnir with more finesse which translates into several new abilities and attacks.

We’ve compiled these additions into the list below with the terms in bold being these changes.

  • All-Mother’s Blessing builds its overcharge meter with melee attacks. Once full, she unleashes her God Tempest, which increases ranged hammer damage and creates shockwaves with each hit.
  • Quick Fire, a new ranged attack combo that allows the Mighty Thor to make a second more powerful ranged attack by timing her next throw as she catches Mjolnir on its return.
  • Seek and Pin upgrade to her Ranged Attack, which empowers Mjolnir to seek out and pin enemies without needing to aim.
  • Earth’s Finest, which adds a hammer toss to her light attack combo for extra reach
  • Thunderkick – a brutal front kick – to send enemies flying.
  • The All-Weapon, her brand-new Ultimate Heroic… Jane sends Mjolnir to seek and destroy nearby enemy targets. Meanwhile, she calls forth the All-Weapon Undrjarn to protect her, reducing all damage taken while smiting her foes.”

The trailer shows off these moves, as well as revealing some behind the scenes design work for the character based on the comic run which introduced her.

And, of course, they need to showcase the different outfits to entice players to spend money.

For those still on the fence about Marvel’s Avengers, make sure to read our launch review. Big Marvel fans are encouraged not to spend money on the game, but to simply try it through Game Pass so no extra money needs to be paid.


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